Time to play catch up!


The saying, “You get out what you put it” couldn’t ring more true for us. Let’s just say, SeaSoaked Skin has a couple of reasons to be thankful for this quarter:

  • Several of our eco-luxe products won a few awards by credited judges and leaders in the beauty industry

  • Our /restorative/ Marine Facial Mist was highlighted in the most recent issue of Beauty Independent

  • We’ve partnered up with a manufacturer of all plant-based, compostable bamboo packaging for our newest product

  • Introduced our newest edition, the nutrient-dense Algae+Citrus Lip Balm in a 100% compostable tube

Alright, that’s it for now - we think? In the meantime, keep a look out for some holiday emails and specials you won’t want to miss. And don’t forget to checkout the links below on which of our awesome products won awards:

  1. Alaria Facial Oil

  2. Sea+Garden Body Oil

  3. Sea+Flora Vegan Milk Soak

  4. Kelp + Sea Salt Soak

  5. Body Scrub

  6. Body Bar

Wishing you many soaks, relaxation and hydration this season! ~N


SEAsons Greetings


Empowering Women: SeaSoaked Skin Celebrates